Parent's guide

Your child's first visit to the dentist step by step

The child’s first visit to the dentist does not have to mean stress, fear and crying – as long as it is properly handled and the child is well prepared. We have compiled a set of proven tips that will help parents gently introduce their children to the world of dental examinations.

The first check-up visit should take place between the age of 2 and 3, when the child is already able to cooperate with the dentist: he understands and can follow his instructions. It is a good idea to visit the dentist around the age of 1 to find out what to do during the teething period.

Don not postpone the first visit until the child starts complaining of toothache. By then, treatment will probably be necessary, which will cause stress in the child and give him a negative attitude towards future visits. Early prevention allows you to familiarise your child with the office and the dentist. This way, the child will come to the dentist not only without fear, but even with a smile.

Often, parents are very nervous about their child’s first visit to the dentist, fearing the child’s reaction. It works like a self-fulfilling prophecy: when children feel their parents’ anxiety, they become anxious themselves. That is why it is best to be positive about the visit and prepare your child for it before going to the office.

At Stomatologia Borowski, we recommend a two-stage preparation of your child for their first real visit to the dentist. The first stage takes place in the orphanage, and the second in the clinic – in the form of an adaptation visit.

It is a good idea to evoke positive associations with the dentist even before the visit. The best way to do this is to play patient and dentist at home – an environment where children feel comfortable with their favorite toys. This way, a visit to a real dentist can be treated as a continuation of the game.

We always invite our little patients to an adaptation visit, during which the child meets the dentist, gets used to the office, chair and other equipment. During such a meeting, there is no treatment, the dentist only talks about the teeth and their hygiene, and if the child is willing, he plays with the child with dental tools.

This approach means that children come to a real visit without fear and are more likely to cooperate with the dentist.

Schedule your child for an adaptation visit
